
Gallery, page 1

Here are images of some of the deep-sky objects described in the Night-Sky Highlights of this issue:

Messier 12, Globular cluster in Ophiuchus
Image by Leo Taylor, taken with an 8-inch Meade 2080 telescope and a Pentax D110D camera.

Messier 25, Open cluster in Sagittarius
Image by Leo Taylor, taken with an 8-inch Meade 2080 telescope and an SBIG ST4000XCM imager.

Messier 71, Globular cluster in Sagitta
Image by Leo Taylor, taken with an 8-inch Meade 2080 telescope and an SBIG ST4000XCM imager.

Messier 92, Globular cluster in Hercules
Image by Leo Taylor, taken with an 8-inch Meade 2080 telescope and a Pentax D110D camera.

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