
A Different Connecticut Star Party this Year

This years CSP is going to be more CS less P. Here is the breakdown:
The date is September 10-12.
This is a private event for club members only.
Friday night 19:00 we will be doing a Zoom meeting for CSP presentations.
Arrive Saturday noon at the Goshen Boy Scout Camp main field to setup.
Stay the night and leave by noon Sunday.
If you are not planning on spending the night, you’ll have to park in the “day parking” area at  the downhill entrance for the field.
No bunkhouses, no dinning hall, no meals, no power, no warming tent in the field.
Attendees will be responsible for sleeping arrangements, car, camper, tent.
Bring your own food and power for your observing needs.
We will have the bathroom and shower building.

That’s it! It’s just an as is no frills observing event.
The Zoom meeting and observing night events are by reservation only. We will not accept walk in’s. We will be inviting other clubs in the state and they have to follow the same requirements.
Admission is $5.00 / person upon arrival.
Vaccination card must be presented upon arrival.
Masks are required if you start to congregate with others.
If it rains we have reserved the 18th for a second chance.

To register, send an email to: prez@asnh.org with the names of those attending.

Upcoming Monthly Meetings on Zoom

Tuesday, July 27, 7:00 pm
Tuesday, August 31, 7:00 pm

We will continue to use this format for monthly meetings until it is safe to meet in person again. A week or two before each meeting, members will receive an email announcement with a link that will allow them to connect to the online meeting.

Just click the link or copy and paste in your browser and that will connect you to the meeting. You can do this on any device that has an internet connection and a browser.  You can do this on a smart phone. You can display yourself if you like with your selfie camera on your device. If you don’t that’s okay, don’t feel you have to.

You can also dial in to the meeting. The number and password will be given in the announcement.

Cancellation of Public Events

Because of COVID-19, all of our public observing events have been cancelled until further notice.

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