ASNH Library: Holdings and Policies

updated 1 January 2000


The Astronomical Society of New Haven maintains a small library of about 100 books relating to various technical, observational and popular aspects of astronomy and astronomy related topics. These books can be checked out by Society members in good standing. The library does not keep regular hours, rather to check out a book you need to contact the ASNH librarian and make arrangements to pick up the book or have it brought to one of the regular meetings of the Society. Normal check out periods are for one month (meeting to meeting). An alphabetical listing of the holdings of the Society library is below. Classification of topics was determined soley by the web site manager and comments and suggestions, as well as donations to the library, are gratefully appreciated.


Telescope making

Amateur Telescope Making, A. Ingalls, Sci Am Press (1928)

Amateur Telescope Making, A. Ingalls, Sci Am Press (1935)

Amateur Telescope Making, Vol. 2, A. Ingalls, Sci Am Press (1954)


Observational guides and atlases

Atlas of the Heavens-II, Cat 1, Antonin Becvar, (1964)


Astronomy and astrophysics textbooks, journals and articles

Journal of AAVSO (1991)

Astronomical League Convention, Astronomical League (1953)

Astronomical League Convention, Astronomical League (1954)

Elements of Pratical Astronomy, W.W. Campbell (1926)



Popular reading