
Gallery, page 1

These two pages show images of some of the deep-sky objects described in the Night-Sky Highlights of this issue.

All photos on this page are by Leo Taylor.

Messier 2, Globular Cluster in Aquarius
Taken with an 8-inch Meade 2080 telescope and a Pentax D110D camera.

Messier 27, the Dumbbell Nebula in Vulpecula
The brightest parts of this planetary nebula form the dumbbell or hourglass shape.  Under dark skies, the fainter sections can be seen in amateur telescopes, filling out the oval shape seen here. Taken with an 8-inch Meade 2080 telescope and an SBIG ST4000XCM imager.

Messier 76, the Little Dumbbell Nebula in Perseus
This image shows the rectangular shape of the brightest portions of the nebula and a lot of structural detail.  Notice also the fainter winglike projections on the left and right. Taken with an 8-inch Meade 2080 telescope and an SBIG ST4000XCM imager.

Messier 33, the Triangulum Galaxy
This nearby spiral galaxy has a low surface brightness, but on a dark night it is easy to see with binoculars as a dim oval glow.  Taken with an 8-inch Meade 2080 telescope and a Pentax D110D camera.

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